Landtypes of the Burdekin Region


Landtypes are areas of grazing land with similar soil, vegetation and capacity to produce useful feed. An understanding of landtypes is important when calculating carrying capacity and forage budgets for a property.

Grazing Land Management (GLM) landtypes have been derived for 16 regions in Queensland, being broadly based on major river catchments. Local grazier knowledge has been useful in identifying local landtypes. The GLM landtypes were developed to support grazing land managers to help:

  • identify areas that differ in their capacity to produce forage
  • determine how these differences affect productivity
  • assess management options.

The focus of landtype development was at the paddock and property scale to enable producers to identify areas of land that differ in their capabilities to produce forage, and determine how these differences affect productivity, carrying capacity, and influence management options. It includes both dominant land types and subdominant. Over 100 different landtypes occur in the Burdekin Region.

Landtypes found in the Burdekin Dry Tropics region